How long can a car stay in garage if temps drop below freezing

Well, i used that trick with my old outside dog..... Hung a lightbulb in her doghouse, and sealed the door with an old truck innertube with a slit in it. She never froze, or even got too cold. It was the funniest thing ever to see her pop her head out and look around after a big overnight snowstorm, and then pop back in to a long winters nap!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Did the same thing camping on weekend up my buddies place in the mountains.
It gets dark on top the mountain, so dark you cannot see your hand in front of your face.
So this camping trip I brought my generator, and strung up some common automotive drop lights in the camp, to see the outhouse in the middle of the night.
This camping trip, my daughter came with me, and we slept in my enclosed cargo trailer, I placed one of the drop lights in the trailer for heat, it worked, woke up the next morning warm, with a light dusting of snow over everything.
I asked my daughter if she got cold, she said not in the trailer, but the outhouse was really cold, when she had to go in the middle of the night.