Dartin for Divorce

In Oregon, roads aren't salted. We hardly see any corrosion. Most of the rust we see is when cars are parked in fields or under trees for years. Lol.

They're not salted in Idaho either, but the stuff they use to prevent ice is definitely corrosive. Had the same pipes on my bike in Vegas for 5 years - no issues. One year here, spring ride before the roads were washed or rained-out and they're rusting through the coating! They say it's not corrosive, but it's still hygroscopic and definitely has an effect on steel. Had the same experience in western washington too... not quite as bad, and not near as bad as actual salt-salt, but it still does a number on metal! It's almost nice having a leaky valve cover, just to keep all the bolts from rusting solid :eek: