
I had a 2" receiver installed on my 70RR in San Diego in the early '70's. My old now gone electrical engineer friend's Dad, who was a retired USN chief, worked at a place called "Horner and Golem". I don't know what-all they did but but it was a big old shop. They tucked that thing RIGHT up against the fuel tank. "At the last minute" before I left the car someone said something about "melting my air shock tubing." I said something else and it turns out they intended to permanently weld the thing onto the car. "OH NO" I says.........I want to be able to pull that tank if I need to. So they made some very neat overlapping straps, welded those to the frame extensions, and bolted the hitch assy to them.

I towed a fair amount of stuff with that car, including a '70 Cuda from San Diego to N end of Idaho upon discharge. Made several "Jeep" trips to various, Lethbridge CA, Calgary, and Moses Lake, WA amoungst others.