I actually didn't watch those videos...I tried but couldn't. I'm not big on "video production", because that leads to its own form of poop, but some amount of production is a good thing. I can't count the number of YouTube videos where they take 5:36 to say what they could have said in 1:10 .... and still never mention half of the obvious questions. If I wanted to hear someone use 432 words when 15 would do, I'd find a woman.

But....when you post a video on a technical topic, it's almost a sure sign you're lost. The people who really understand are very seldom talking about it publicly. And as for cylinder heads? The people who really understand the finer details are generally working for major automakers or highly funded specialty houses. A lot more people might have a good platform of knowledge but they tend to form their theories around results, not the other way around.

When I was in high school, there were a bunch of guys who would sit around on the bleachers bragging about all the sex they had with various cheerleaders. The coach walked by one day and laughed at them and said "All you guys bragging about sex oughta take a look at those guys sitting down there keeping their mouths shut...that's cuz they're the ones actually doing it!"