Last one to post in this thread wins!

Just above freezing and cloudy here.
Yep sleeping in I'm having a hard time staying asleep, I wake up about 3 am and toss and turn till about 5. I think I need some exercise I've been pretty lazy for sometime.
You might be able to start walking again in the mornings with your coffee in hand.
A good way to start the day but wait till it warms up some first. 7 and sunny but that dam windchill goes right through you. A little warmer tomorrow then rain on and off for three days.
Just a thought, do you have a coffee or a drink in the evening? The caffeine will keep you up for sure and the drink is full of sugar as well which doesn't help and then you have to "P" during the night. I don't drink anything past suppertime or 6pm and I usually sleep quite well but there is the odd night.
Try it.