Friggin Tree



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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Generally I love trees.
I like the scenery, the smells and even the sounds of a light breeze blowing through them.
BUT this one tree in the neighbors yard just pisses me off.
I want to rent a big Uhaul truck, get all available insurance on it and run that damn tree over.
Then call Uhaul and have them come and get their totaled truck out of the neighbors yard.

Its a Cottonwood.
Can’t leave you car window down without having that crap flying in your eyes and up your nose the next time you need to run up town.

Can’t breath outside in the yard without that crap going up your nose.
Constantly getting in, under and around everything.

Man I hate that tree.
F that Cottonwood tree.:D
So you wrecked the U-haul on it...but didn't scratch the tree?
There's a tree the neighbor to my shop's yard that constantly sheds small leaves (about penny size) that get into the shop through every slight place where any small opening is.


Last week the guy that lives there cut down about 20 trees.

Did he cut that one?
My tree ends up dumping 80% of its leaves in my neighbors yard during fall. Sorry buddy! It must be Karma as the guys 4 German Shephard's bark at the wind and howl at any ambulance passing by (live 3 blocks from a trauma center) , he mows his lawn at 9:30 at night with a headlamp on and rakes the GD concrete dog run and gutter at midnight. both are about 5 feet from our bedroom window. Oh and did I mention his dogs F'n stink? They pee on the concrete and that stuff just doesnt go away.
I live 200 ft from the Boise River . The only native trees to this valley were Cottonwoods and Willows
I feel your pain ! Try have several hundred Cottonwoods within 1/2 mile !
Had a 30 ft mulberry tree in my yard.. Thing dtopped ****-berries all over. Stuck to your shoes like epoxy.. Plus its roots were invasive as hell.

No more ****-berries!
If the limbs overhang you property, you may have the right to have them trimmed back. If they're big ones, you may can get your insurance company or his to pay for it.
My folks have cottonwood trees on the edge of their property. It looked like snow when they fell into the grass. Sure don't miss them.
If the limbs overhang you property, you may have the right to have them trimmed back. If they're big ones, you may can get your insurance company or his to pay for it.
The property line runs from hell to heaven
Anything overhanging on his side is his, regardless of where the trunk is
So you wrecked the U-haul on it...but didn't scratch the tree?

It hasn’t gotten that far yet, but yea that’s all possible.:D

My tree ends up dumping 80% of its leaves in my neighbors yard during fall. Sorry buddy! It must be Karma as the guys 4 German Shephard's bark at the wind and howl at any ambulance passing by (live 3 blocks from a trauma center) , he mows his lawn at 9:30 at night with a headlamp on and rakes the GD concrete dog run and gutter at midnight. both are about 5 feet from our bedroom window. Oh and did I mention his dogs F'n stink? They pee on the concrete and that stuff just doesnt go away.

Oh gees, I’d go off over that crap. (No pun intended)

Had a 30 ft mulberry tree in my yard.. Thing dtopped ****-berries all over. Stuck to your shoes like epoxy.. Plus its roots were invasive as hell.
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No more ****-berries!

Hey Is that kinda wood as fireplace worthy as it looks?

If the limbs overhang you property, you may have the right to have them trimmed back. If they're big ones, you may can get your insurance company or his to pay for it.

I just kinda deal with it for the sake that he shut the F up and left me alone after I politely asked him to.
The damn runners of that tree come up in our back yard a good 100 feet from the tree as well as under our house, so I do see an insurance claim coming at some point over it.
No branches hang over, but the roots travel like they need a boarding pass.
It hasn’t gotten that far yet, but yea that’s all possible.:D

Oh gees, I’d go off over that crap. (No pun intended)

Hey Is that kinda wood as fireplace worthy as it looks?

I just kinda deal with it for the sake that he shut the F up and left me alone after I politely asked him to.
The damn runners of that tree come up in our back yard a good 100 feet from the tree as well as under our house, so I do see an insurance claim coming at some point over it.
No branches hang over, but the roots travel like they need a boarding pass.

Wonder what they're doin to your plumbing?
It would be a shame if something nasty got into those roots and killed his tree.

Trees hate salt. Get a couple of containers of Morton's table salt and go to town with those roots. But make sure when the tree is dead it doesn't fall on your house. That would be your problem, not the neighbor's.
Hey Is that kinda wood as fireplace worthy as it looks?
It's a hardwood. Supposed to burn really hot but takes as much as two years to season.. I'll let you know this winter, I got a bunch that I cut and split a year ago. May be good this winter.. Tree provided a ****-ton of wood!
Tordon22K is your friend, a few ounces of it around the base and the problem will be over. lol
I had 12 darn cottonwood cut down last summer. All over 100ft and 3 -5 ft across stump. That’s a total of about 20. I still have 4 male trees and 3 others on the fence row that were at the back of my property. This spring was pretty nice without the sticky stuff falling. We’ll see what the other 3 are around June.
It's a hardwood. Supposed to burn really hot but takes as much as two years to season.. I'll let you know this winter, I got a bunch that I cut and split a year ago. May be good this winter.. Tree provided a ****-ton of wood!
It actually is probably the softest of all hard wood and burns up within an hour or 2 in an airtite stove.
Had to remove pine and oak trees , both heavy pollen producers. My wife was having to take a max dose of Zyrtec everyday. I love plants in general so I replaced them them with other species.
Trees hate salt. Get a couple of containers of Morton's table salt and go to town with those roots. But make sure when the tree is dead it doesn't fall on your house. That would be your problem, not the neighbor's.

The tree is not within about 60 feet, and it’s only about 20-25 tall.
Biggest issue would be that it’s in reach of some of our cars at times.

Tordon22K is your friend, a few ounces of it around the base and the problem will be over. lol

That went in my phone as a reminder, thank you.
He would sooo notice the salt.
Had to remove pine and oak trees , both heavy pollen producers. My wife was having to take a max dose of Zyrtec everyday. I love plants in general so I replaced them them with other species.

I myself don’t have allergies, sept for stupidity or willful ignorance.:D
The Wife and Son get it pretty bad.
The other big tree in the neighbors yard is a big pine that you can see waves of pollen in the air from that one.
You ever try to get that willow tree sap off your paint? What a pain in the ***.