Thermoquad running rich

I pulled the plugs yesterday on my freshly rebuild 360 with freshly rebuild thermoquad, and with my limited plug reading skills I have determined its running extremely rich. Which I kinda already knew because the exhaust is very rich smelling. But the plugs are very black and sooty.and smell very strong of gasoline I didn't take any pictures but I can if yall want to see them. My question is where should I start at leaning it up some? Should I start with the mixture screws or the metering rod or Jets?
I ran thermoquads for years, and they were excellent carburetors. Back when we could by strip kits, I would tune the carb to perfectly compliment the 440 in my Charger. Since your engine is new, do what the others have said and put some miles on that dude. Before taking it on a drive, do what K.O. said and run the engine & then let it sit and look for any spillage into the throats of the carb. If none, then go for a drive. Does it start ok, or do you have to crank it a long time? Does the choke fully come off when the engine is warm? Do you have to keep it revved up while it is cold to keep it running? When properly set, you should be able to pump it once and hold the throttle about 1/2 way down and it should fire right up and keep running.