Ok coronavirus guys and girls who’s up for trying it

No credible person or institutions said you would for sure never get the virus.
They said vaxing greatly lessens the chances of dying from it, or possibly even being hospitalized from it.
You know, I had all these conversations with my grown kids.
One mentioned that getting vaxed was far from a guarantee.
I told him that walking to the mailbox across our gravel driveway in socks isn’t a guarantee against stepping on a sharp rock either, but the socks help.
Vax helps
Masks help
Both are proven to help, and people are welcome to refuse them personally.
They are not welcome to risk others by refusing to accept reality.
They can stand out there in the race track if they wish as the virus goes around again and again until it finally finds them.
I actually agree with a person who wont take the precautions.
I see it a a “natural selection” solution to some of the ignorance in this country.