Ok coronavirus guys and girls who’s up for trying it

He's blaming Trump for the pandemic.

Trumps first thought was NOT to cause panic ..but to keep the GP calm as they unfolded what hell was actually going on.
The left decided to use it and create more panic, locking down more control over our lives...and opening the tax payers wallets up for a spending spree of their own...then right back to preparing for the next election with plenty of illegals that they will relocate as they best can to flip and or lockdown key states. Won't even mention the media blackout , controlling the flow if info while working with social media outlets to censor and feed personal info/habits back to marketing for the next big tech buzz to spend on... ooooooh yeah, chick..chick, chicka chicka...bahhh ...bom bom..

And we all are made to pay for it in more ways than one..
It's pretty disgusting like living in a bad 80's movie...they live

Well my mistake was thinking he was smart enough to not fall for that. Lol. Kinda like CNN kept repeating the joke he said about drinking Clorox. The Democrats are still drinking it and now there’s a shortage of it. Lol I hope he handed his guns over if he had any because he could hurt himself.