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I'm thinking a dog for the new place in fact the wife is insisting I have a do. I always thought a lab was the way to go. But then you look a Hemi and she does it all..tough decision.
Clearly I am partial but both breeds are excellent choices
Both shed although win to GSDs as I think they shed more then any other animal on earth. Guest friendly goes to Labs as they have never met a stranger. Eating habits and over all neat and tidy goes to GSDs. Labs are notoriously speed eaters with zero regard to anything else around them including their own figure. Destructive capabilities when left alone win to Labs, leave a GSD alone and bored and there is simply no telling what you will get. They must have a job and be stimulated both mentally and physically. A lab might chew a shoe or two but then take a nap. Constant companion win GSD they have to be beside their human all the time. While labs are certainly protective there is simply no comparison, win to GSD. We have had both and while we have certainly no regrets over our labs I am now to the point I will never have anything but GSDs moving forward. Yes they take more effort and energy to raise and keep but the reward of a great dog is immeasurable. We have had a lot of great dogs of all breeds and mix’s. Most all have been rescue hounds of one kind or another. From stock dogs to labs to Weimaraner to GSD to just plain farm mutts of indistinguishable origins. You just can’t beat a good dog for a loyal companion regardless of breed. Apologies to all you cat folks!