Spacex money spent

Go down to South Padre for the SN16 launch! You will never forget. I am trying to plan that one in a few weeks.

And yes on Hwy 4 right down to the beach you can drive right up and next to it!

That "is" when the road is open and they are not moving Starships or Cranes! Check the Camden County Website for road closures!

When I was working on SLC6 Shuttle Launch Complex at VAFB they would run us off the job whenever there was a launch from any of the complexes. All the vehicles launched in a southerly direction and since or job was at the southern most tip of the base, everything flew over our heads on launch. They chased us out one day and on the way home I stopped at what would become my favorite vantage point to watch. IMG_0033.JPG

The Atlas left the pad, cleared the launch mount tower and about 5 seconds later a big orange cloud filled the sky followed by a loud BOOM :eek:. Oh, that can't be good. Shortly after I got back to the house the phone rings. One of the superintendents on the line "As soon as the Air Force is satisfied that it's safe for us to go back to work, we'll call you." Some of that hillside there was a faint orange color when we returned to work.Vandenberg_AFB_SLC-6_under_construction_in_September_1982_-_DF-SC-84-04598.jpg
'82 or '83 when we were at SLC6