Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well the landscape lady came by to show us her design. The new house had about zero landscape. It though, has trees, lots of trees, 125 trees planted 25 years ago, with no obvious pattern or purpose. A lot of those trees will come out starting the day we take possession.
Now this gal has done some work for us before and we like her ideas. Cheryl had told her what she was looking for. The place needed a couple small retaining walls and some steps, and we told her to use limestone. It's Kansas and limestone is plentiful.
She went through explaining all she had done and Cheryl is just smiling and loving it all. The gal kept telling us we had a blank canvas to work with and how nice it was going to look, bla, bla, bla... She hands me the estimate 63K. I looked at it and Cheryl says "oh that doesn't scare us" WTF might be a blank canvas, but we ain't painting a dam Picasso here. Needless to say it will look nice when we are done, but not that nice. UGH the joy of moving!!