The Future Is Here, Introducing The eDart

I didn’t call YOU names, but if you think they fit that’s on you.

Ever drive a semi truck at 80k? Or a truck and trailer at 105K? I have. For many miles. If you think that electric batteries will power that junk **** out here where there are actual mountains, constant rain, snow and then blinding heat, all while pulling mountains you are nuts.

And, if IF they can do it, do you not understand how filth it is to build that junk? And how in the hell will it get its charge? Coal fired plants? Nope. Uncle Joe Chiden hates coal. What about Natural gas?? Naw, it’s a form of “fossil fuel” so it’s taboo too because, you know...the planet and the q2 year old girl who is being mentally abused by her family and the media...Greta whatever. So that’s no good. Hydroelectric power??? HELL NO!!! We can’t have a dam. We can’t have all the salmon not making it back up the river because, you know...the dam. Oh wait, the dam is about 1% of total fish loss. And not just salmon. Other fish get caught up in the inland gill nets. No one talks about THAT because, you know...the natives are the biggest inland gill netters around. Just use wind mills. Uhhhhh, no because to make them remotely effective you need massive storage batteries to deal with high use levels when there is no wind. So that’s not going to do it. We have the sun. Solar will do it. Well no, it can’t for the same reasons wind can’t do it. In order to supply demand when there is no sun you need to have huge storage capabilities. So that’s a bust. We have nuclear power. Oh wait, the tree hugging idiots have crucified that power source and since they have God’s blessings in knowledge and righteousness they can’t be wrong.

So where will ALL this power come from? And where will we store the generated energy for times when demand outpaces supply?? And where will all the power transmission lines and other related infrastructure go and at what cost?

I guess we could use local diesel generators, but we can’t do that either because it’s not “clean” either.

So for all the hype it’s ALL BULLSHIT. Once again, it’s about control. If you can’t see that, you need to step away from your computer and do some study.

We could go back to the horse and buggy days, BUT no, there is the polluting gas from horse farts.
But..... Now, the Amish drive the buggy down the road, horse takes a dump, the guy gets out and scoops up the horse chit, they take it home and fertilize the garden, they take veggies to town and sell it to you tree huggers as organic. Pretty cool huh!? hint" they make their own clothes too.