UTG engine build "callout"

And lest anyone forget that Frame Connectors are bad on a mopar.

Sorry, there is so much trash being spewed it's unreal. PLENTY from the "bible" and other mopar associated publications that was gospel has been proved wrong. Just remember kids, total time your car and let initial fall where it may... GARBAGE!!!

And the guy used the wrong term (accuser) when it was a claim. Someone made a claim and got called on it, then the turtle show started. Do the comparison on a dyno or STFU with the claim. Problem there, I can mess with a dyno and create results to benefit my position. Change timing by a degree or two... looky there, I was right! Nonsense stuff

Shiny poop is harder to get out of the tennis shoes! Dried and dull much easier. @Dartswinger70

To see anybody claim frame connectors are not good on a Mopar blows what little mind I have, I don't care who claims it.