UTG engine build "callout"

I don't hate him Just don't think he's the pope of the automotive/Mopar world. Anyone whos wrenched for a living knows what I'm talking about. There's real world and there's bullshit. Real world is you are out in your garage doing it, bullshit is watching UTG on your couch when you should be out in the garage doing it. :)

I agree, but you can't deny there is a LOT of hate for the guy. And quite honestly from people who HAVE spent the time in garage and still do. Don't like something, turn away and get back to work....

My only reason for the post was to point the irrational portion of this in that it's all focused on UT...

Anyway, I'm one of those guys who spent too much time over the years thinking about working on cars during my day job and no "doing" it afterwards. I'm slowly changing that and have a lot of catching up to those of you in the know.

Wrench on....