UTG engine build "callout"

Nick I don't think he had anything to do with anything except pointing out the obvious. First thing drippy core plugs... all of them. then the rocker shafts on backwards...then the dirt in the filter and pan. the oil pressure/ bearing" clearance issues" that was revealed afterward on Lunars channel. I had heard they used standard mains on a .010 under grind. I think someone in this thread mentioned it. Tony's mistake was he put his name on it to try and get some sort of credit and it backfired. Yeah there were more than just his hands on it but don't paste your UTG sticker on it and ship it unless you are quality control which he wasn't. He claims to be old school this is old school chit. It obvious Tony hasn't spent much time in the repair business if any at all. You let chit like that out the door of your shop too many times word gets around. Tony is just full of poop. hes the guy you pay beer money to to do your brakes and ya just hope the car stops and gets ya by till you can get to a real mechanic. In fact more to the point he isn't a mechanic he just plays one on You tube:)

No, it didn't backfire. Whether it was intentional or not. It still got the views. He got paid. All that matters is it got views. It did.