Side mirror is useless

Not installed yet but look's like about what I just paid around 120 smackers for to go on the drivers side of my 69' Cuda which was sans mirrors.

Hadn't really give much thought to the functionality of it prior to purchase but wish this thread had popped before and I'd a scratched that idea.

Uggggggghh. ........Thx.

i have the OE 1968 one on my Barracuda.

fairly useless. You have to bob your head around so much to get the right angle to see out of it. By that time you’ve taking your eye off the road ahead of you too much.

I think the pics Toolmanmike posted make the bottom look like the widest part. But I think that’s deceiving because the mirror needs to be adjusted so far downward.

just took these pics of it


