Its rough out there in the streets

I feel both your pain ... literaly !
We are over run with WA and Cali transplants here in Idaho and they drive like ******* idiots ! I had 2 cars do wreckless manuevers around me the other day while driving my Barracuda .
1 with CA plates and the 2nd with WA plates ... they should stay where they were if they dont like our driving .
I live in Washington State, and I'm not surprised they took their crappy driving habits with them. Not all of us are like that, although I'm not apologizing for these sphincters. It started 15 years ago when Californians cashed out their houses and moved up here. They took their driving habits with them. I was struck in my garage 2 years ago by an idiot at 40 MPH. IN MY GARAGE! I've had enough. My wife retires in the next year or two, and we'll take a wheelbarrow of money and move. My motherland of Florida is looking good. So is Nevada, although I'm worried about the Californicators moving there.