Cylinder Head Choice

Hey whoa! Is your game plan to purchase part I list?
I listed the ProMaxx heads as an example of the ability to purchase ported heads that I liked and were ready to run OOTB.
You might want to weigh the cost vs price of TF heads as well.

I definitely didn’t want to start with the wrong cam, since that seems like it would have a poor effect on everything else! The game plan is definitely to start with a parts list of compatible items, install in chunks and work from there. I already got a Cold Case radiator, and I figured when I’m installing that would be a good time to install the cam.

The TF heads seem like a comparable price to the PM ones, and they’ll ship from Summit around the same time.

What would be a good quality brand of converter to invest in? I still only vaguely know where to start there, and now that I know it’s important I feel like I should ask!