Classic over carburetion problem?

Ok. Unless you want to grab the bull by the horns and learn this yourself, we're all just wasting out time here. I'm not giving advice while being questioned through a third party who obviously didn't know what they were doing. Talk about a clusterfu#!.

Now, if you want to get your hands dirty, go out and get a compression reading on a gauge, get a timing light and tell us where initial and total timing are, I'm all for helping you. But all this "wouldn't the shop have done that" mess is stupid.

Obviously they DIDN'T do it, because here you are asking for help. I mean all this in the most helpful way possible. If you want to provide us with some solid info to work with, I'm all for it. Otherwise, we're rowin with one oar in the water.
Alright. I'll have to get some things and do some reading.