What happened to gasoline in the mid 1970s?

Clemson. He's been associated with Clemson University in some capacity for over fifty years. He served as interim Dean for a time. He served as Executive Director of the Federal Trade Commission under Reagan for both terms. It's a big claim, because it's a big fact.

Here he is.

Bruce Yandle

We'll have to agree to disagree to your assertion. If he served under Reagan administration then maybe he was part of the whole "Trickle Down Economics" fantasy they hoisted onto the population that has since been revealed to be nothing more than another scam for the monied interests. I was secretly hoping you were gonna say Ben Bernanke and then I was gonna tear you a new one especially after his "Great Moderation" speech in 2004 and how they conquered the business cycle. Those Idiots from Chicago certainly know how ruin economies.

Go ask your Uncle what he thinks about Irvine Fischer and if the current inflationary pressures are transitory :lol: