What happened to gasoline in the mid 1970s?

Hey Mattax.

With all due respect it has absolutely nothing to with politics. It has to do with failed policies that get rolled out by the monied interests to benefit certain individuals and certain industries as Rusty's uncle most probably wrote about. Both sides are bought and paid for in my view so you could call me apolitical. In my view the current societal and economic destruction being laid out was set in motion many decades earlier with many said failed policies on both sides of the political divide.
As to Rusty's original claim of his uncle being the most respected Economist in the world maybe in "his" world but not in the broader world of economics.

I'll refrain from any future political references so as to not to offend anyone.
Sorry but BS.
Your interpretation of 'nothing to do with politics" is incorrect. The fact is that you know this because in your second sentence you write "failed policies". The fact that you have then assumed what someone else thinks, and their approach to governments role, and divided the world into parties is exactly why there is a "no politics" policy.
Its not what you are or what you call yourself, or your beliefs or lack of them. Its how you are engaging in the topic.

Political. 1. of belonging to the body of the state or body of citizens, its government and policy.
3. Belonging to or taking a side in politics or in connexion with the party system of government; in a bad sense partisan, factions.
from the Oxford English Dictionanary
Because gasoline changes have been related to government policy my point was that we all have been trying to keep this discussion from devolving from definition one, neccessary for this discussion, into definition 3.
The fact that you only recognize "two sides" neither of which you associate with in no way changes the nature of what you wrote. It is by very definition political.
An anarchist is still engaged in politics.