RMVB - gear after the lights?

So I've got a simple question for those experienced with a RMVB in their trans. Years back, with my other car that did not have a RMVB, I would slip the car into neutral after crossing the lights at the big end. This let the RPM fall back naturally to something reasonable and after slowing the car with the brakes a bit, I would pull it back into Drive (3rd gear) and use engine braking to bring the on down in speed.

But now the car I have has a RMVB and I'm about to take it out for the first time. Mine is a Griner valve body and does not have the "clean neutral" down past 3rd gear. Since you can't really reliably and quickky shift it back to neutral after crossing the lights (have a Cheetah shifter), I see no choice but to leave it in 3rd and let the engine bring the car back down in speed. I dont like the idea of high/max rpm with no load on the engine but see no other choice.
Am I thinking about this right - is this what you do?
Thx for the input. It's time for the car to lay down its numbers. I'm sure I'll have quite a bit of tuning and learning what it wants but let's get started!