That one meal item

When I was very young grandpa would catch a lot of fresh fish. When grandma served fried fish she would make a side dish she called Koosh Koosh or something like that. The closest thing I'll have today is the filling in a devilled crab but that's not so close.
Grandma had 3 daughters and each of them picked up something, like their own interest or specialty. My mom got the baking... cakes, pies, even macaroni pie. Aunt Pat got the growing things, along with pickling and preserving. Aunt Betty got meatloaf, dressing (some of yall call stuffing), and more. My wife and I got all we could from all 3 of them. None of them could tell us how to make the Koosh Koosh. Maybe none of them liked it. Oh well... we do eat very good around here. They come from miles around at Thanksgiving. We have 3 blood pressure meds and a cholesterol med each, omeprazole daily too. Those are tasteless. We might consider a healthier diet if those meds were a thick nasty syrup/elixir. Dont share that thought with the powers that be, LOL