69 valiant first project

Welcome aboard!

And band aids, duct tape and .....

I start from the ground up. If the tires are super bad, there first along with the brakes. If you have a change in gear ratio as part of the plan or simply the rear ending shot out and total garbage, do it all at once. It’s just easier than jacking the car up multiple times and taking the crap apart again and again.

Then go to the front. Same deal. (IMO) Replace everything all at once. Tires, suspension parts and bushings & shocks. (Or what is needed.)

At least you know now that everything is good to go and stop the car and have it handling well. Move to the drivetrain from there.

Use top of the line parts. Make sure there top of the line and not what you think is. I like the site supported P.S.T. for parts. I’ve used them long before I found this site many years ago.
Oh! this reminded me.
If it has used tires on it that have no cracks and look fine with plenty of tread, DON'T USE THEM.
When I got my car, it had winter tires that expired in 1999. No dry rot, plenty of tread PERFECT! only need to buy two tires.
Dad talked me out of it, and when the tire shop took them off, all of the skirting? on the inside of the rim was shot. If I even went 5 miles an hour they would have exploded and taken the whole front of the car off and into orbit. (since they were truck tires, they had 60 psi in them)