69 valiant first project

Sadly, that was real.
I thought it was a joke but no.
a piece of gum was used to keep on a loose wire connection on the horn relay.
easy fix, just needed another layer of double bubble.
I got stuck with a messed up radiator. (Please don’t ask...) A very southern trucker came up to me (In NYC) and said.... with an all so super heavy & thick drawl...
“Now what you boys need is some gum! Not Hubba Bubba, not .... (for about 7 or 8 brands....) but you need some Wriggles! Now Ya’ll got some money right? To getcha-some at the store (truck stop) and chew it on up till the sugar is good and gone. Then just stuff it right in on there right good & wait a bit.

Man! I just about lost my mind thinking he’s screwing with me. Until he showed me his snub nosed Peterbuilt LINED! With gum. I was like ... dumbfounded and said “HOLY #%%^^it!!!”

A bunch of gum chewing fools we were that day.
(About 10 of us)
Never saw that angel again... but I suppose he had someone else to help and save that day...