69 valiant first project

@shittyslant6 - Oh you ain’t kidding! I e been very lucky as a kid. It didn’t take long to NOT take tires for granted!

I didn’t mention I specifically, but the rubber hoses on the brake system are another item to eye ball JUST incase! There Norma tough item that lasts, but... LMAO... yet again, when I was a kid... up! You guessed it, I got caught with my pants down and ended up screaming my head off as I rolled through an intersection at 25-30 mph with my foot on the floor. LOL and NO signs of deceleration! Thank the Lord All Mighty for having the other drivers smart enough to be paying attention!
It could have been ugly!

There inexpensive parts to replace. Well worth the chump change they are in the big picture and total price spent on your ride when you total (pun intended) everything up.