Proform 850 dialing it in closer

That rpm just looks unnatural. Is there some sort of smoothing on?
The rpm channel in the LMA3 had some sort of internal filtering. Never did anything good or bad for my car (til it died). The frenquency channel works better IMO. Not sure what might be available on the LM2.

As far as viewing, here are some tips.
Experiment with the tools where the black arrow is pointed. For example that one its poitned at let you place markers with channel info at any time you want. As shown here.

The one with the + magnifying glass can be used to expand either axis.
In this one the time scale has been expanded.

The hand over either axis can be used to shift them.

For screen capture and mark up that can be copied to here or saved as png (or jpg) I've been using Irfanview (free/shareware)