Quick question for you guys...

Similar woke up at a friends house after a hard night of partying. Went to fridge looking for something cold to drink. Opened to door and couldn’t believe it there was a large glass of apple juice nice and cold. Grabbed it and chugged about 3/4 of it down before I realized that it was straight rye oh boy pissed again.

one night, after putting the kids to bed, im ready to turn in myself...but im also a bit thirsty
just not thirsty enough to pop open an entire can of pop and down it

so I open the fridge and look around, and wouldn't you know it?
there is a carton of orange juice, only 6 weeks past date and still about 1/3rd full
but come on, its orange juice, nothing but sugar, right?
so I take a sip and it tastes fine, and whats even better, its got pulp, I love pulp

so I finish it, and as is my custom, before tossing the carton in the recycling, I rinse it out
as im rinsing it, im kinda reading the carton
"100 % juice"
"California oranges"
"no pulp"
"no preservatives added"

hold on, back up...no pulp?
that's no good

not sure what was floating in there, but it stayed down just fine