Restoring a grill? repairs and paint?

If you're lucky enough to have a parts grill, scrape plastic shavings off of and edge that is like what you want to repair. Then take the 2 parts you want to repair on the good grill and make a very slight V on the front side that shows, and do it from one end to the other. Then take the shavings that you scraped off the parts grill (make sure you have more than enough) and put them in a glass cup. Take a little bit of Toluene, and mix it in with the shavings to make a gooey paste. Apply it from one end of the break in your grill to the other, and build it up slightly in the V you made on the front. Clamp it good, and make sure you pieces are straight. When it sets up and dries, you can gently sand the hump off of the top of the V, and work it with progressively finer sandpaper until it is perfectly smooth. Also smooth up the paste that squirted out on the backside if it shows. That repair will be stronger than any glue you can buy, because you're bonding pieces back together with the same material that the pieces are, and the toluene melts it together kinda like PVC glue does pipe.