Best trunk mat?



Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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I bought the better at the time trunk mat a few years ago for the Duster, the rubber one but the edges keep rolling up. I have tried everything to get them to lay flat but they keep rolling up on all sides. Does anyone have a mat they can recommend?
I finally bought a sheet of the trunk mat material in the style I wanted and cut my own, including leaving the sides longer so they keep crap from falling down into trunk floor downturns and rotting out my lower quarters.
Tough question! Any pics?

Mine has been just fine in a 69 FB fish for 7 years!
Basically you only have two different manufacturers. That would be ACC or REM. I know that I have had similar experiences on newly installed mats and would just roll them up backwards for one or two turns and the hot sunshine would help to take care of the situation.
I will try to roll then edges back in the sun and see what happens. Does someone make the original material? I would cut my own.
Just a thought...

Get some flexseal and some window screen.

Spray the back of the mat with flexseal and inbed the screen.

Thinking is the reason it curled is the top patterned part is a dissimilar material to the rest and shrinks at a faster rate. The screen and flexseal reinforce the back side resisting the pull of the top layer.
I did my interior carpet in red. I looked around and found some red astroturf and Kitty and I cut it to fit the trunk. Looks way better then I ever thought. Just a thought if you don't have to have something original.
On a somewhat related issue regarding trunk mats, I've noticed a long time ago that my trunk mats always seemed to have moisture condense under them, which can lead to rust. I quit using them unless I go to a car show.