Stop in for a cup of coffee

Kitty and I were in town earlier tonight to grab some supper and go to the grocery store. @krazykuda Karl called me back. He sounded like his old self. He said he had one ulcer in his stomach, one in his intestine and something goin on with an artery "down in that area". He said they cauterized all of it and were confident they got it all. He really sounded good. He said he would stay in the hospital a couple more days and then go home. Lets keep praying everything turns out. So far so good.

It turns out that I didn't have an ulcer in my stomach, just one in my intestine with an exposed artery sticking out because the ulcer was deep and exposed the artery... They caurterized the the artery so it wouldn't stick out in the open and the exposure can make it prone to infection....

The first report was after I spoke to the doctor right after the operation and I may still have been a little under the influence of whatever they used to knock me out... I got more clarification from the doctor the next day when my mind was more clear....

Thanks for being my point man and relaying my condition Rob...