Most oil consumed in a short period ???

What’s the most oil your motor had consumed/leaked over a few day period
For me it was 27 quarts in 3000 miles. I went to Reno to pick up my 70 Dart. At first I got a lot of thumbs up and hey, nice car. When it started smoking like a mosquito truck no kudos. When I tore down the slant I’d swear it had all original gaskets.
My first car, a 72 Gold Duster /6
Had a junk Holley 1920 carb which dumped loads of gas into the engine
Which washed the rings, 24 quarts in 220 miles.
My special forces army buddy told the were to jump from a ch47 chinook which has 1000 feet of high pressure hydraulic lines. They continuously leak and require much time to repair. The crew chief was pumping hydraulic fluid, in flight,
Into the reservoir from a 55 gallon drum !!!