My try at '68 Dart tail panel restoration...

We all know how difficult it is to find a '68 Dart tail panel that is in decent condition, and how pricey the restored pieces are. If these are ever reproduced the company that does so could make mint...if priced reasonably.
This one is original to my car, which is a GT. The GT panels show more Argent, but i wanted it to have the GTS look so I blacked out most of the Argent (no memory on when that was done since I've had the car for 34 years). It was in average condition with the usual dings, still not bad shape.
Fast forward...the car has new paint, so the panel needed some attention. I opted for trying to doll this one up rather than pay out the @$$ for a professionally restored piece.

These are the 'before' pics. First step was to work out the dings and the waves..


A paint can opener fits the contours of the outer rib surprisingly well, so it was used for a dolly. Made easy work of reaching into areas under the inside lip. Also used a rounded piece of flat steel as a dolly for taking the dings out of the narrow ribs.


Before and after pics of ding removals. The original Argent can be seen poking through the rattle can paint.
From this...

to this..

After the first stage of sanding...

Another ding removed (using the paint can opener for a dolly)...



Once straightened the worked areas were smoothed with 220 grit, then 400, 600, and eventually 800 grit wet sanding. Afterwards I used a buffing wheel to polish those areas and the raised ribs. A cleaning with Simple Green removed the buffing compound, and it also really brightened up the Argent.


The buffing didn't match up well with the factory 'bright dip' anodizing. The straightened & polished areas stood can be seen even in this crappy pic.
