DIY's opinion on why you need a 318

The problem lies in a multi fold.
Having a poke at someone is one thing we basically all do. But that another doesn’t take kindly to. Then the butt hurt happens and rolls like a snowball down hill. A sense of humor is needed reading text.

This is a car forum and I keep it cars so everything else becomes taboo. Talk about other things at your own risk of having it thrown back in your face. Take what is thrown back in your face as lightly as possible. Try not to post when angry.

If you talk about your great or rotten kids, someone will make a mention to that sooner or later. Be prepped for it. I actually didn’t really get the punch line from the above picture. But I knew it was a joke. If AJ is a “Flat Earther”, and he took offense to it, that’s his issue and problem. He probably said somewhere (?) that he believes that. Which now leaves him open to a poke or someone ridicule. The amount of offense he takes to it is his own person issue.