New G3 Hemi Block...

How the heck do you know how much Bretts engines are? YOU DON'T!!!! More talking out your *** again..........I'm extremely happy for you and your G3 that makes entry level's been so long since I ran something with 750 hp I forgot what it's like and the only time I will refer to you for anything is when I want to know how a slow car performs. Enjoy your G3 day, LOL.
Well, how much is a Brett engine then? Educate me. Please! If you've done well enough in life to enjoy the "finer" things, good for you. I seriously mean that. Just don't talk down to us little guys that ONLY make 700 plus. Or can ONLY afford 700. If it's so bad and you really don't give a **** about this gen 3 junk then just check out. This was about gen 3 stuff not about how big your dick is, for **** sake.