uncle tony's garage gets called out by the roadkill guys

That's a fair statement. I guess we should not believe the mopar or ford people. Ok...

Bottom line, is there are a ton or people saying he's wrong. If you don't believe it, and are gonna talk ****, and claim otherwise, then you have the burden of proof to provide.

That's not what happens around here though....
What I have said repeatedly is it is a complete waste of time, and I have also said a hundred times there is more horsepower in a straight and round cylinder than any of this pin offset nonsense. The UTG fanbase seems to get "triggered" if you disagree with him. He is not a engine builder, he is a video maker.....keep in mind, with all of his expertise and "tricks" he has a full gutted race car that traps in the 70 mph zone in the 1/8th mile. It's all gimmicks for the fanboys