"Morning deer"

I've actually thought about trying to build a crossbow "for fun."


This is just up the street where I live. The "X" is that back 30 years ago when this happened, the apt building under the X was not there. There is a house under the trees to the right. I drove up the street coming home from work, and there's some guy at the opposite edge of the street, as indicated by the black line TARGET PRACTICING WITH A BOW up towards the house under the trees with some sort of backstop. There's a nice big window in the house nearby

I drove up and stopped close, and out the window said "hi", and I said,

"I'm going to park down here where I live and get the mail. If you are not still here when I get done with that, I won't call the police"

I told him, "you cannot shoot deadly weapons across the road." (And of course you cannot shoot a bow in town, either, road or not)

I talked to two neighbors later on about it, and both told me HE HAS A SMALL CHILD at home AND IS A CONVICTED FELON, therefore cannot even HAVE weapons, much less shooting across a road!!!
