"Morning deer"

I've actually thought about trying to build a crossbow "for fun."


This is just up the street where I live. The "X" is that back 30 years ago when this happened, the apt building under the X was not there. There is a house under the trees to the right. I drove up the street coming home from work, and there's some guy at the opposite edge of the street, as indicated by the black line TARGET PRACTICING WITH A BOW up towards the house under the trees with some sort of backstop. There's a nice big window in the house nearby

I drove up and stopped close, and out the window said "hi", and I said,

"I'm going to park down here where I live and get the mail. If you are not still here when I get done with that, I won't call the police"

I told him, "you cannot shoot deadly weapons across the road." (And of course you cannot shoot a bow in town, either, road or not)

I talked to two neighbors later on about it, and both told me HE HAS A SMALL CHILD at home AND IS A CONVICTED FELON, therefore cannot even HAVE weapons, much less shooting across a road!!!

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I had a biker friend who used to hunt deer with a bow. He lived here in town and hated this one big house cat that would wonder into his yard. His dogs would go crazy every time the cat came around. One day he was out working on his Harley in his back yard and here comes the cat. My friend got really pissed off when his dogs started to bark so he went inside and got his bow and quiver. He came back out side and there was the cat. He said that the cat started back to his home when the cat saw the bow. He pulled the arrow back and let it fly. The cat was almost back to his home fence when the arrow got him. The cat made a few flips then crawled back into his own yard (dragging the arrow) and finally dropped. He said to himself , "It serves the cat right for going into his yard"...............then he realized that the arrow had his name and address on it (as required by law for deer hunting). It was late in the afternoon so my friend waited until it got a little dark then stuck his hunting knife in his mouth and crawled (military style) over to where the cat was laying and got his arrow back. This guy was a biker and kind of crazy. My apologies to all the cat lovers out there but it's a true story!!!