How much voltage is too much

On a side note, any given coil in a "conventional" ignition (not CD or MSD, etc) is only "so good." Once you get enough power into it to saturate the core on every pulse, all you are doing after that is heating up the core and the windings, and bad things happen after that. In other words, if you have a cheaply designed coil, you are only going to get so much spark power out of it regardless of what you attempt to force into it.

An example of "the end of returns" might or might be illustrated by this:

At the job I just got laid off from, one accessory we sell are "leg bag valves." This is nothing more than a spring loaded solenoid device which clamps closed on a rubber surgical hose when not powered, and opens the clamp when powered.

When I tested them, I typically snapped them a few times, then held them powered for about 20 seconds. They had to stay open all that time. But they warm up the coil, and after that the wire is warm enough, and has INCREASED ENOUGH in resistance, that it will not snap the solenoid open again, until powered down for a couple-four minutes. There is a thermal breaker internally

The point is that copper changes resistance noticeably with heat.