Cruise Seems Lean

Ok, so I had a little bit of time to work on the car. I got it all back together and fired it up. All settings the same. Just the new radiator and a vacuum advance line that wasn't split. It fired right up, stunk of rich idle so I pulled it out of the garage and let it idle in the driveway to get it up to temperature. I wanted to top off the water/coolant. Even running at different idle speeds it never got above 175. It ran for 15 or more minutes. I brought it up to 2500rpm for a bit and it cooled back to 170. Outside temp was in the mid 80's. So, that is a large improvement already. I wasn't able to check timing or vacuum yesterday. Hopefully I can get that done tomorrow.
I didn't realize it had heatng issue at idle. Glad you got that fixed. I had a Sunday playing in a parking lot so been busy myself.