"Morning deer"

I've actually thought about trying to build a crossbow "for fun."


This is just up the street where I live. The "X" is that back 30 years ago when this happened, the apt building under the X was not there. There is a house under the trees to the right. I drove up the street coming home from work, and there's some guy at the opposite edge of the street, as indicated by the black line TARGET PRACTICING WITH A BOW up towards the house under the trees with some sort of backstop. There's a nice big window in the house nearby

I drove up and stopped close, and out the window said "hi", and I said,

"I'm going to park down here where I live and get the mail. If you are not still here when I get done with that, I won't call the police"

I told him, "you cannot shoot deadly weapons across the road." (And of course you cannot shoot a bow in town, either, road or not)

I talked to two neighbors later on about it, and both told me HE HAS A SMALL CHILD at home AND IS A CONVICTED FELON, therefore cannot even HAVE weapons, much less shooting across a road!!!

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I own half the block where I live. Got a new crossbow, wanted to try it out. Got set up, nice big super stout back stop, all that. Took my shot, it went low and disappeared. I figured it was under the grass.

When I finally found my bolt, it was stuck in the front bumper of the neighbor in the next blocks' Honda Fit. Knocking on their front door was hard. Thinking about hitting a car or person in the road between there and where i was shooting was harder.

They didn't care one bit, even declined money after I offered to pay for repairs.

Then my wife says, why didn't you go to the free archery range north of town?
Uh, cuz I didn't KNOW there was a free range north of town.

I shot a piece of 5' diameter galvanized steel culvert (out in the woods). My bolt blew through the first side and into the second, hanging about halfway out the second side. Modern bows, especially crossbows, are WAY too powerful to shoot in town.

There's deer in my neighborhood. I ain't shooting them!