65 Barracuda console shifter help please

yeah, I did it on a 67 transmission. Sawzall the factory shifter "hangers" from the tunnel and just mount it as you would any other shifter. Take the measurement where the cable will go through the tunnel and drill a 1/2 hole, then put a big ol screwdriver or punch in there and bend that bad boy back horizontally so the front lip is taller than the back and the cable will slide right in at ride height and angle. The factory cover fit right over the new Pro-matic II and a few minor shims and everything lines up. You lose the ashtray as there is a linkage track right under there but gut the bottom an just keep it closed! you can even mount the factory ball if you drill and tap it as its a slot and set screw on the OEM. You'll have the valet parkers squirming when they try and get that **** in gear!
I think I understand, I need to loose the 65 shifter all together and put the Pro-Matic in under the 65 console??
Thank you @pishta , I will get my shifter out of the box and look at it closer today.

Thanks to everyone here for there help and input