Evans waterless coolant

1) Compression is about 8.9:1 static, 7.7:1 dynamic, and it pings under load even with 93 octane. Retarding timing didn't solve that problem. (I also had ping before rebuilding.)
The best I could figure after carefully rereading the Circle Track magazine article and what's now available on the web, the use of the Evans Mecca system to allow higher compression was 'proven' with a reverse flow set up. IIRC they called it the 'level 3' setup.

My suggestion is to plot out the distributor timing. Unless you have an untouched original distributor there's really no way to know what the advance curve looks like.

For example, if we look at the timing spec's for a non-CAP 1967 225 they look like this.

Even if you set the initial at the same or close to the same as factory, if the advance has a different shape, you might find timing that measures like shown with the circles.

That could cause ping at full throttle.