Joplin Missouri ?

Well the drive from Las Vegas to Republic Missouri was long... total of 23 hours driving and 29hrs travel time...

I have so many pictures from the drive but here are just couple of ones that feature a mopar. Oh and my back porch.

I'm in a small neighborhood and half my neighbors are 70+ with old restored pickup trucks and the other half are younger families with kids like mine.

My immediate neighbor, I havent met the husband but I met the wife and kids. I actually paid the son 25 bucks to mow my lawn today, what a score! The father has 2 old cars he is restoring... an old mustang and an old Ford van truck thing. Finishing body work on the van truck thing now then is going to try and get them both painted. He met my father in law and commented on my awesome mopar, said I must be a pretty cool guy to own such a nice car.

Anyways, I'm now a Midwest transplant!






