Last name

The family tree branch won't end if the baby does not get his last name.... They keep branching out either way....

The baby should get the father's last name if the father is going to be in the baby's life and support it...

If john is so upset about the family name ending, they can hyphenate the last name, or give his last name for one of the baby's middle names....


Or give John's last name as the baby's first name... My grandpa, dad, and brother have the first name of Pearson after my great grandma who saved my great grandpa from two attacking Mexicans that were trying to jump his claim on a gold mine back in California in the 1870's...

The Mexicans each had knives and great grandpa had his bare hands... There were originally three Mexicans with knives, but grandpa put his mining pick through the skull of one of them and took him out... Then fought the other two bare handed... After getting cut up, he decided to run and at least split them up... He hid behind a large rock and a woman came up over the hill and handed him a loaded revolver.... He shot one Mexican the other ran off...

She nursed him back to health.... If it wasn't for her coming over the hill with the revolver, I most likely wouldn't be here today... She had an intuition to go over the hill with a revolver and turned back three times before finally going over the hill - and they say there is no such thing as ESP....

That is how they met, and my grandpa ended up marrying her...

I should have added, and will correct it, they are living together. From what John has said the father is a good man...and plans on being there for his child no matter what the future may bring.

Interesting story about your great grand parents. Your great grandpa sounds like he was a badass...

i hate hyphenated last names, but this is a tough one

in my opinion, the "dad" needs to get his lazy but to the court and get a wedding permit

then the mom and the baby can take his last name and they can get married for the church at a later date
(of course the baby will still be conceived out of wedlock, but that is what it is, and i dont know how his "religion" will deal with that)

Both of us are not fans of hyphenated last names. My wife tried to explain to John that all that matters is the baby is healthy...for the fact that at 40 years old his daughter is pushing the window a bit in regards to birth defects.