what the hell?!

Let the middle east blow each other up.
Stop sending money to Ethiopia, Africa, south America.
Where are all these nature protectors and naturalists when it comes to ..Natural selection.

I actually agree with this .

Instead you have the ultra rich in their puppy dog trances saying it's the middle class American that needs to die...whalah in comes the scamdemic

Yes .. Ultra rich doubled their net worth over the last 2 years... us not so much.
Not sure how the Pandemic comes into play here ?

Those with thee largest populus =happen to be the most polluted and harmful in the arena of earth saving...china, middle east,Africa, south America, mexico, n.korea.

Because they have little to no regulations. I will assume you are for regulatory oversight ?

Ever try and wrap your mind around the fact that the country we share a border with still pisses in schitt's and holes in the ground , runs around shooting people like cowboys, throwing sewage into the rivers left and right ,still have a hundred year old diseases rampantly spreading , running scared to our county and then carrying the same as they did there...
Embicles... nothing but selfish embicles.

Because they have poor infrastructure , weak laws and enforcement , low taxes and corrupt government .
When Americans complain about high corp. taxes ( which they are not) in the US we should remember that the reason companies are so successfull in the US is because we all pay taxes to create and maintain roads , rails , electricity , clean water , an educated work force and law enforcement. They profit handsomely from what we all pitch in to create.
Try starting a company in Russia. 1st you pay bribes to even get permission followed by more to get anything else... maybe you can get reliable power.. or water . Then you need educated workforce . I dont see many companies relocating there ...lol