Yard Guys- How do you Prep for Grass?

We moved out here in 2002. Was nothin but bare dire where the woods was cleared for the house. Meh.....bout a half acre "I'd guess". The whole lot is a tic under 7. I went to the locel Ace Hardware and bought a 120 LB bag of bermuda grass seed and Kitty and I hand and bucket broadcast it. Not tilling. No nothin. Just threw it on top of the ground. Three days later it sprouted. It was red. I called the Ace and told them. They actually sent somebody out to look at it and take pictures. Said they had never seen that before. They took a soil sample. High in iron. Bout two weeks it was green. I was kinda hopin to have some red grass. It covered really well considering I did nothing but but throw it on the ground. I want to broadcast another sack, but dammit that stuff is stupid expensive now. It's over 300 for a 120 LB bag.

Iron in Georgia is good! JMO I supplement with it every Year!