Marine deputies cannot back a boat trailer

Ya, backing up a trailer. Always fun for the unexperienced. I used to enjoy watching dad back up a grain wagon with a tractor. Damn he was good at it but of course he had 50 years experience. I have a small trailer for my riding lawn mower. The tongue is pretty short and it turns faster than the front of my pickup will swing. It needs to be almost straight with the truck to back it up and you have to be real good to bend it around a corner. It's a trip!
Not being able to see the trailer or anything is a challenge for sure! We recently bought a 12’ johnboat that is light and easy to carry by hand. So we slide it in the bed of our pickup and just back close to any launch site and can load up and hit the water pretty quickly. Meanwhile we often watch guys roll up with similar dinky dinky boats on a trailer ( because you know, a boat has to be on a trailer!!) and spend way too much time jacking the thing all over the place trying to get it down the ramp!