Iced tea?

Please define Man Made. Is food cooked by man, man made? So is bread, ice cream, soda crackers, potato chips, etc man made? I am just curious. When people throw out terms I am not familiar with, I get curious...

I shun "man made" ingredients such as margarine, high fructose corn syrup, tofu, chemicals, GMO grains, feed lot beef, pond raised fish, any chemical concoction to simulate real food, that sort of thing. Diet is not a one formula that will work for us all, we are all different and you have to figure out what works for you. The food industry is always calculating how to sell more. As I understand it they have even figured out how to bypass the bodies triggers to let us know when we are satisfied. There are foods I can eat all day long and never get satisfied, to the point of feeling uncomfortable. I also shun those. I hope I will always be able to eat good bread, real ice cream, potato chips, and Nabisco saltine crackers.